Thursday 24 November 2011

Cheapest Way To Look GOOD

Beauty may be a gift from God but maintaining it is devilishly expensive. With the economy tanking, it's time to seriously consider downsizing the personal maintenance budget.

Fortunately, a misspent youth characterised primarily by working poverty has left me well-placed to dispense advice on how to look good for very little.
Pop quiz: how much do your looks cost? Take a quick inventory of your beauty expenditure starting with your hairdressing, makeup and skin care outlay - probably somewhere around $300 this month alone.

Next, estimate the cost of what you're wearing right now. If my Friday workaday attire is in any way typical, an average office day outfit consists of $200 shoes, $150 dress, $5 op-shop cardigan and $75 worth of lingerie. That's $430 just to avoid sartorial humiliation amongst the cubicles.

And if you're wearing jewellery, your look is probably worth more than your bank account. So there's no doubt about it, looking good is expensive. However, if you're willing to deploy common sense, embrace the DIY ethos and abandon emotional attachments to packaging, that expense can be minimised. Here's my list of cheap tricks for looking good for less.

Is $60 mascara really better than the supermarket product? Maybe, but unless you truly need to moisturise your eyelashes, the cheapie version will probably do the trick. Same goes for lipstick, eye shadow, blush, etc... The biggest difference between the expensive brands and the stuff in the chemist's bargain bin is that the big brands usually offer more and better colours. But if you happen upon a $5 cosmetic that suits you, buy two and save a packet. As for foundations and powder, mineral makeup is making converts as fast as the industry can produce it. There's lots of reasons for its popularity, not the least of which is value for money. A little goes a long way. Definitely worth trying if you haven't already.

My own experience - and every serious comparison of moisturisers that I've ever come across - resulted in the same conclusion - nothing, no matter how French it is, beats Sorbolene.

This one is dependent on skin type. I tend to oily, which means I get pimples and sunscreen is often the culprit. I've tried everything from hugely expensive prestige products to supermarket house brands but have yet to find anything that tops the Cancer Council's basic Everyday Sunscreen. It glides on smoothly, is absorbed quickly, doesn't give you a Goth party pallor and I can wear it every day without a blocked pore in sight.

Hair colour:
Generally, DIY hair colouring is best avoided but if you're dark blonde/light brown and want some affordable highlights, buy a bottle of peroxide, ($3.58 at my local Coles), pour it into an old pump-spray bottle and lightly spritz your hair before blow-drying for a Sun-In effect at a fraction of the cost. The effect is subtle as lightening occurs gradually with each treatment so you won't end up with a bright orange mess and a big hair dressing bill if it doesn't work for you. Use with a toning shampoo to avoid brassiness. Does anyone know of a similar low-cost colour enhancement for brunettes and redheads?

Disposable razors:
Why do women pay more for pink safety razors when the men's versions do the same job for less?

Ask any hairdresser to recommend a good shampoo and they'll direct you toward whichever niche product they push in the salon - failing that they recommend Baby Shampoo. And for good reason. Baby shampoo is light on detergent so it's gentler on your hair, scalp and colour.

There are some brilliant products out there but if money is tight a hot oil treatment can be done at home for a few cents. Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in the microwave for 10 seconds, pour on your hair, put on a shower cap and relax for a half hour as the oil does its work.

For sensitive skin, Cetaphil is a tried and true cheapie. For those combatting oily skin and an inclination to acne, tea tree oil works a treat. Run a tea tree oil soaked cotton ball over your face morning and night for the freshest, tingliest, cleanest skin possible and watch in amazement as blemishes start to clear up. I swear by this stuff.

Lip balm:
Lucas Paw Paw Ointment has to be the nation's best kept dermatological secret. It's a true skin repair that effectively treats everything from chapped lips and sunburn to cracked nipples and nappy rash. It's widely available, made in Australia and very affordable.

* If you're prepared to buy before you try, go online. Along with the established sites, a new local site, was launched late last year by former Cleo editor Nedahl Stelio and her sister. It holds sales of big brands like Peter Lang and Lisa Ho. They have also just launched a fashion marketplace where fashionistas can buy, swap or sell their clothes, shoes and accessories.

* Master the basics of sewing. Loose buttons, fallen hems and minor tears can be easily and, depending on your skill level, often faultlessly repaired at home. Why chuck a favourite item when two hours with a needle and thread can give you two more years of wear?

* Don't knock knock-offs: Treating clothes purchases like long-term investments is a good idea but it's not always an option and sometimes you just want that trendy single-season piece. For fashion ephemera there's simply no point in making a large outlay. Metallic leggings and Supre were made for each other. Don't fight it.

Decent quality pantyhose are worth the expense because they are so much more comfortable. To get the most out of them, give your stockings a light misting of hair spray before setting out for the day to make them more ladder-resistant. If they do snag, arrest the spread of the damage with a daub of clear nail polish around the hole.

At all costs, avoid cheap shoes. For every reason from podiatric to aesthetic, well-made shoes are a must. But they are expensive. While you're saving up for your next footwear indulgence, take good care of the heels you already have. A thorough polish can take months off a shoe and for classic styles like riding boots it's worth investing in preventative care. A minor outlay at the shoemaker for protective rubber on leather soles will extend an item's wearability by years.

What are your tips for saving money in the fashion and beauty realm?   

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